Top 5 Reasons Employers Need Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Top 5 Reasons Employers Need Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Registered Apprenticeships are changing the way companies hire in the USA. It is a relatively new workforce strategy but with proven results in establishing the future workforce of an organization. It can ensure a steady pipeline of a skilled workforce. There are 11M job openings currently in the USA but only 5.7M workers to fill the gap.

What is an Apprenticeship Program?

What is an Apprenticeship Program?

Apprenticeships have been around for quite some time. From our early forefathers, such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, the practice of having an apprentice has been used. ‍In the early days, the industries that made use of apprentices were carpenters, mason, and shipwrights. Today, apprenticeships are offered in a wide variety of industries and occupations including skilled trades, construction, technology, healthcare, energy, and manufacturing. 

What is Hire-Train-Deploy?

What is Hire-Train-Deploy?

The Hire-Train-Deploy (HTD) model is relatively new. Before 2016, there was only a single company that was utilizing the HTD Model. It was this company that was able to prove that the HTD model works. During this time, the model was used in very specific niches, but as time went by, the model has been more commonly used across the globe. At present, there has been a lot of development with the HTD model with thousands of graduates having launched their careers through it.

Why an Employer Should Consider the Hire-Train-Deploy Model

Why an Employer Should Consider the Hire-Train-Deploy Model

The Hire-Train-Deploy Model is a relatively new staffing model, but has proven results for employers when it comes to building a competent and competitive workforce. A strategy being used around the globe with much success both for employers and workers, its importance is highlighted in how underserved workers are given a chance to be part of a pool of talent with employers also reaping the benefits of expanding and ensuring the longevity of their business through a robust workforce.

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